

As i wrote my future letter to myself i realized that family is extremely important. Realizing this has made me think of designing a tree of life diagram that represents all my connections with family and friends. This demonstrates my family's growth and ties to one another over time which is  portrayed by the branches and roots. Additionally, the tree's design conveys the importance of protecting our environment by representing the world and our planet. Overall, this taught me a great deal about Illustrator and how to change pathways to appear the way I want. I had never heard of a calligram before, so it was exciting to explore different styled fonts and other tools in Illustrator. The program was complex  initially, with several strategies and methods for producing various things.
For the text i decided to use the letter to my future self as the base, and for the roots I outlined important parts from the letter.

My letter to future self:

 Dear future me,

February 2023 just came along. 2022 just ended, what felt like not a year but a couple months. As I grow up, I realize the years will only fly quicker than the last.  Losing people and gaining people this year has really taught me to strive and not focus on the past.  I hope that when I look back on this insight in the future, I will understand that my family and I will always come first. You understand that those are the only individuals who will always be there for you.

I wonder how I'll look in the future. Will I be a good or a bad person? Within the 20+ years of my life, will I gain or lose something? It seems like a good time to be 40. It will liberate you. I hope you're free. I'm hoping you'll vow not to let yourself go.

In the future, I wish for you to savor all the pleasures you were unable to savor as a little child and to connect with your inner sense of tranquillity. I desire happiness for you.  In 20 years, I hope to still see my parents. The recent illness of my mother has devastated my mental health and broken down all of my barriers and family connections. I became aware that they are also human, after seeing my father's unhappiness in this circumstance. I used to believe my parents were unstoppable when I was a little child. I've learned from this that they are growing alongside me. It made me realize how crucial it is to be there for them. This showed me how hard my parents have strived to get to where they are, and I am proud. I will always love you, Mama and Papa.

I wonder if my passion for film and media will ever be recognized in the industry in the future. I hope that society as a whole will grow and realize how fragile and important life is. I hope climate change will be resolved. Understand that time must do its repairing. I am more resilient than I give myself credit for. 

I hope to still be friends with my friends here today. I hope that they are as healthy and as happy as i am. I hope the friends you currently have helped you create wonderful memories throughout the years. I sincerely want you to cherish the limited times we still have with our friends before they pass away. Whether or not they are here with you now, maintain your connections and relationships since they have influenced you and helped shape who you are today. 

I hope you've met someone you can lean on and who will stand by your side no matter what. With such a person, you will have an endless life to adore. If not, then I hope this experience has taught you something. Remember, everything happens for a reason. You will only develop and mature into a more powerful individual with an unbreakable heart. You'll develop the ability to let others inside your heart and feel exposed and vulnerable. I hope your fears have subsided.  I sincerely hope you don't continue to be the same person you are now since it would mean you've never tried anything new or stepped outside of your comfort zone.

You are appreciated and significant. Decide to choose happiness even in the hardest of times. I wish you success in achieving all of your life objectives in the future. I love you,

Past self.


  1. first off, i love your blog's aesthetic ! i also really like the second version of your logo- the gradient from the middle has an ethereal look to it which fits good with the theme of it

  2. As a family person too, I love this calligram idea. I love how you used the tree to symbolize and describe your relationship and connection to your family. Great work!


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